Physical activity and food are vital parts of any healthy lifestyle; however they take on a new importance when you have diabetes. Along with your medicines, staying active and following a healthy meal plan can help to maintain your blood glucose (blood sugar) levels within your target range.

Adopting an active lifestyle and changing your dietary habits can be little challenging initially, however, you may find it easier if you adopt small DOABLE changes with the help of your doctor, family and friends. Check out the DOABLE support hub for more help to deal with your Diabetes.

Food and Nutrition

Healthy eating and meal planning is very important in managing your diabetes. Consult your Health care team to find out more about right food options for you. A simple way to plan your meal is by adopting the  ‘plate method’ which is recommended by many diabetes organisations. The ADATM website has an interactive "create your plate" tool that may be useful. Please click here for more information on this tool.

Active lifestyle

Along with many other health benefits, staying active can help to keep your blood glucose levels within your targets. Please consult your healthcare team for suitable options for you to maintain an active lifestyle.

Regular monitoring of blood glucose levels

While adopting healthy lifestyle changes, it is important to know how these changes are affecting your blood glucose levels. Your CareSens blood glucose meter can help you to frequently monitor your blood sugar levels. Please consult your healthcare team to discuss about the frequency of testing.